For our clients seeking pre-vetted cybersecurity services, look no further.

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GSA eLibrary Profile

GSA Multiple Awards Schedule (MAS)– Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services (HACS)

Contract Number: 47QTCA21D002K

Period of Performance: 12/4/2020 – 12/3/2025

Contract Description:

phia offers our clients the ability to procure proactive and reactive cybersecurity services. Having been pre-vetted through technical evaluations by GSA, our clients have confidence knowing they will be receiving the best resources to meet their requirements!

What is GSA MAS – HACS? Watch the video here.

In addition, phia has been technically evaluated and approved to support ALL of the following subcategories:

  • High-Value Assessments
  • Risk and Vulnerability Assessment
  • Cyber Hunt
  • Incident Response 
  • Penetration Testing 

Point of Contact: